

Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy is the first institution of higher education in the Komsomolsk-on-Amur City. It was founded in 1954 as a pedagogical institute that was intended to train teachers for the developing system of education in the Russian Far East. In 1998 it became a university, and in 2006 got its present name, which reflects it’s broadening the sphere of educational services as well as entering the world educational environment.

In 1954 only 147 students were enrolled and there was only one teacher whereas now ASUHP numbers almost 6,000 students studying on a full-time, part-time and distance basis. Future teachers for Komsomolsk-on-Amur and northern territories of Khabarovsky region are trained here in 47 educational programs, including specialists, bachelors and masters and specialists for the system of secondary professional education

The academic process is provided by the teaching staff of more than 250 lecturers, including 38 doctors of science (professors) and 132 candidates of science (associate professors), who work in 23 chairs and 13 laboratories. The quality of education is ensured by the certified system of educational quality management.

A number of programs of continuing professional education and additional higher education are being realized at the university. A single corporate information and communication network has been made up using structured cable systems of communication and wireless technologies.

The strategic aim of ASUHP is the fullest possible usage of research potential in the educational process, the development of research in the priority fields and strengthening its positions in the international intellectual environment. Under the guidance of leading scientists twelve research schools carry out research in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, biology, philology, pedagogy, psychology and economics. Post-graduate schools of education are also available.

ASUHP has dynamic partner relationships with the universities of Great Britain, Japan, Canada, Germany and China, which results in 17 international educational projects.

At present the university has at its disposal three academic buildings with dozens of classrooms and well-equipped laboratories, computer classes, a library with three traditional reading rooms and one with electronic facilities, good sporting facilities, a centre of recreation and culture, a museum, exhibition halls, a conference hall, two excellent halls of residence that provide an Internet-cafe, a cafeteria, a medical centre and other catering services.

ASUHP is well-known in Khabarovsky region for its extra-curricular educational work with students among whom there are many prize-winners of All-Russian and regional competitions, nine of them are laureates of the Award of the national priority project "Education".

The strengthening of the university's positions in all aspects of its activity: academic, educational, research, international, administrative and economic has determined its place among the institutions of higher education in the Far East as well as its new status as Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy. On February 5th, 2009 ASUHP was granted state accreditation by the Accreditation Board of the Federal service of supervision in the sphere of education and science.

Rector of ASUHP
Doctor of Pedagogy
Viktor S. Bavykin

sales@amgpgu.ru manager@amgpgu.ru director@amgpgu.ru alex@amgpgu.ru