Globalization: pros and cons.

Орешко Анна

The main advantages of globalization are:
•    Presence of competition as well as market expansion. As a result, the production of high quality products and diversity of choice for consumers.
•    Economies of scale. As a result, lower prices and costs, as well as stable economic growth.
•    Introduction of modern technologies. As a result, increased productivity.
•    Countries in development can catch up with advanced states and strengthen themselves on the world stage.
The main disadvantages are:
•    De-industrialization of the economy. As a result, the need for retraining
•    Impact on the ecosystem of the world (deforestation, pollution of the oceans, unsustainable use of the goods of the Earth, etc.).
•    Labor mobility and as a consequence, unemployment and the risk of global instability
•    Growth of speculative economy, monopolization of production.
If it is possible reduce shortcomings and enhance dignity, I am in favour of globalization.

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