Мануйленко К.Э.

Мануйленко К.Э.

к.ф.н., доцент, зав.кафедрой ин.яз.
Косицына И.Б.

The circus with animals is a challenge to nature. All living organisms on Earth have a natural habitat. They are the stabilizing components of the biosphere. Animals live to be free. The circus managed to wipe out freedom for those who are able to feel, to love. Their eyes do not see snow-covered forests, rivers pure as the tears of the baby, can't inhale the fragrance of flowers. Small wagons and cage become their life sentence.
In my opinion, circus trainers put commercial interests above the lives of living beings. By their very nature, circuses are not a suitable environment for animals. Man has not moral right to keep the animal locked up, to apply physical punishment, to limit food intake and force the animal to go against its nature. Many people believe otherwise. According to them the circus is one of the ways of intellectual enrichment about the animal world.  For them it is a chance to see the wildlife.
I don't agree. Visits to circus contribute to child’s mental disorder. There will be children's aggressive behavior to surrounding animals. Children will no longer understand that an animal has its own environment, dwelling out human attention. They will not understand that things made to an animal in the arena are unnatural.
I do not visit circuses.  I prefer watching a television program: "In the animal world". With a sinking heart I watch as lions run at sunset, and their mane develops wind.  

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