
Educational activity

Among the 47 educational programs and areas of training at Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy there are not only the pedagogical specialties but also specialties of a wide humanitarian profile – organizers of work with the youth, religion specialists, translators, practical psychologists, managers, lawyers, specialists in tourism and local history, geography and culture and many others.

But the University did not stop working in the pedagogical direction strengthening it actively and working according to the target agreement with Ministry of Education of Khabarovsky region. Along with the basic specialty students can get an additional one and have an opportunity of choosing a profile one. This additional specialty and profile specialty are inserted in the diploma, thus putting a student in an advantageous position when at the job placement.

Thanks to the University ramified network of specialties students are able to realize their ways of studying meeting their interests on the basis of

  • faculty of informational technologies, mathematics and physics
  • faculty of philology and cross-cultural communication
  • faculty of nature and geography
  • institute of pedagogy and psychology
  • faculty of technologies, economy and design
  • faculty of history and law
  • institute of  distant education and additional training

Besides the students are afforded the opportunity to choose the form of studying – full-time, correspondence, distance, as well as the level of training – bachelors, masters and specialists.

The University provides the preparation of specialists on the basis of accelerated and shortened educational programs and offers vocational programs for people willing to get the second higher education.

More over on the ground of the license received by the University in 2008 it has the right to carry out educational activity in the sphere of high vocational education.

The qualitative preparation of the graduates is guaranteed by:

  • highly qualified teaching staff of the university. The number of the teachers having academic titles and degrees is above 60%
  • system of quality management of the educational activity
  • perfect library with its half a million fund of academic scientific and methodological literature which is annually increased by several thousands of new editions of humanitarian and pedagogical literature
  • well equipped physical, chemical, biological and technical laboratories, electronic reading rooms and modern computer rooms; it permits to carry out the distance education

The university has been recently developing the international educational programs. Having signed the association agreements with the Peoples’ Republic of China the University carries out the learning of the foreign students. In their turn the Russian students have the opportunity to take part in historical expeditions and field practice on the territory of China and the students learning Chinese can improve their language skills in the Universities of China.

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