
Visa Information

We have received visa support documents for conference participants and sent them to the address you gave us by airmail. Yours should reach you soon. We have also sent a scanned copy of your visa support document to you by email. The scanned copy is primarily for reference. Some consulates may accept the copy rather than the original document but most will not.


Once you have your visa support document, you are advised to proceed immediately with your visa application at your local Russian consulate.


Visa information for conference attendees from outside Russia.


In order to enter Russia to attend the 10th FEELTA conference, you will need a visa. Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy (ASUHP) is willing to support the visa applications of genuine conference attendees from overseas who follow the procedure laid out below. The procedure needs a certain amount of time and patience, but in our experience those who have followed this procedure in a timely fashion, respecting all deadlines, have succeeded in getting a visa in time to attend the conference.

You will need:

·         A passport which is valid at least 6 months beyond the date of the conference

·         At least two empty pages in that passport

Without these things you cannot begin the process.


In order to apply for a visa, you will need a visa support document. ASUHP will have this document drawn up for you in Moscow and then send it to you. Once you have the document, you should take it to your local Russian consulate and apply for your visa.


А. Here is what we need to have the visa support document drawn up for you:

1.       A scanned copy of the page of your passport which shows your name, photo, etc. Please use a scanner to make a legible file and send it as an attachment to your message to Kseniia.

2.       Your place of birth.

3.       The place where you currently live (state/province/country).

4.       The full name of the organization which currently employs you.

5.       The address of your place of work.

6.       Your position/title within the organization which employs you.

7.       The city and the country where the Russian consulate is to which you intend to apply for your visa. You can find a list of Russian consulates at http://www.russianembassy.net/

8.       The dates of your stay in Russia. As you probably do not know your exact dates, please overestimate – giving an arrival date earlier than is likely and a departure date later than your likely one. However, ASUHP is unable to support a visa application for a period longer than 2 weeks.

9.       The purpose of your visit.

10.   The address to which you would like your visa support document to be sent.

Just a reminder – we need all of the things listed above (1 – 10) by April 1 at the latest.


B. Sometime after that, contact your local Russian consulate to find out what other documents or information they require for a visa application (regulations vary from consulate to consulate).


C. Your visa document will take several months to come to us from Moscow, but as soon as we have it we will send it to you at the street address you have provided. Once you have it, take it, together with other required documents, to your local Russian consulate and make your application.


As you will see, the process takes quite a long time. It is not a good idea to wait until your travel plans are definite before sending Kseniia the things she needs for your visa support application.


PLEASE NOTE: We are obliged to charge 70 US dollars per person for processing the visa support application. The money is payable on site at the conference registration desk.

E-mail addresses to contact Kseniia: ASUHP.inter.filimonova@yandex.ru (preferably) or inter@amgpgu.ru


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