
Extracurricular activities

The Department of Extracurricular Activities and Social Work

There is a choice of opportunities to develop one’s skills and talents in the following spheres:

  1. Arts (aesthetic education):
    • drama club instructor
    • chorus singing hobby-group instructor
    • solo singing hobby-group instructor
    • musical studio of characteristic dance instructor
    • school instructor of folk dancing and singing hobby group
    • school instructor of bardic song hobby-group
    • instructor responsible for organizing leisure activities
    • school instructor of hobby-group of Club for the Lightheaded and Quick-witted
    • instructor of a school informational center
    • instructor of school image-center
  2. Sports (education in sports):
    • volleyball team instructor
    • basketball team instructor
    • instructor in athletics
    • instructor in boxing

Youth policy and extra-curricular work

Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy is one of the leaders in the field of youth policy and educational work in the Far Eastern district. A stable system of student co-management of the university has been developed here. The student professional committee, student unions of faculties and halls of residence, unions of monitors, the centre of youth initiatives, each of them contributes to the development of a creative and professionally educating university environment.

The Centre of Leisure and Culture with its vocal and dancing clubs, rock bands, KVN club, image-centre “Pygmalion”, student information centre “Auditorium” etc. is at students’ disposal. The members of these clubs are the winners of regional and all-Russian contests. They successfully demonstrate their art abroad, thus repeatedly becoming prize-winners of international vocal competitions in Vladivostok, Kiev (The Ukraine), Jiamusi (China).

Student sport, both amateur and professional, is successfully developing at the university. The sport centre has special halls for judo and boxing, a big hall for playing different kinds of sport, a training hall, rooms for massage and relaxation. The masters of sports of international class, members of combined Russian teams, winners and prize-winners of world and European championships and international student competitions are among university students.

Boxing is especially popular in ASUHP. S.I. Gondurkaev, an honoured coach of Russia, a trainer of Russian combined boxing team and a university graduate, is in charge of the Boxing club. It has become a tradition to organize meetings for our students-sportsmen with combined teams of Australia, the Ukraine, China, Northern Korea and other countries.

Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy has been an organizer of the Far Eastern regional contest of professional mastery among the students of pedagogical specialities of the Far Eastern universities for ten years. It was the students’ initiative as well to hold this contest. Teams from The Baikal region, Sakhalin, Yakutia, Kuzbass, Primorie, Amur and Jewish autonomous regions come every year to take part in the contest.

There are volunteer groups of students that popularize healthy life-style and work with the children from social asylums at the university. Seven students of Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy became the winners of the priority national project “Education” in the nomination “The Support of talented youth”. The department of extracurricular educational and social work is in charge of the students’ extracurricular activity at the university. The interuniversity centre of extracurricular work with the students has been functioning on the basis of this department for twelve years. The centre studies and summarizes the experience of such work in the higher institutional establishments of the Far East.

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