
Structure of the University


Rector of ASUHP
Victor S. Bavykin  

 Vice-rector in Academic work
Nataliya  V.         Shelkovnikova           

 Vice-rector in Educational work and youth policy
Olesya R. Danilova

Vice-rector in Scientific work
Alexander V. Gotnoga


The faculty of informational technologies, mathematics and physics

a)The department of informational systems, computer technologies and physics

b) The department of mathematics

The faculty of history and law

a) The department of history, philosophy and law

The faculty of nature and geography

a) The department of life safety and natural sciences

b) The department of theory and methodology of physical culture and sports disciplines

The faculty of technologies, economy and design

a) The department of economics

b) The department of theory and methodology of technology education

The faculty of philology and cross-cultural communication

a) The department of Russian language

b) The department of Russian literature and language as foreign language

c) The department of Romano-Germanic and Oriental languages

The institute of pedagogy and psychology

a) The department of education psychology

b) The department of preschool and correctional pedagogy and psychology

c) The department of pedagogy of professional education

d) The department of foreign languages

The institute of distant education and additional training

a)The department of distance learning

b)The department of innovative forms of education

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