Общая информация

Participant: 齐悦廷
Supervisor: 丛智超

2. Ancient Chinese traditional woman

Participant: 齐悦廷
Supervisor: 丛智超

3. Picture

Participant: 叶卫林
Supervisor: 石洋

4. Trees and dusk

Participant: 曾露梅
Supervisor: 孙忠辉

5. Summer in the dream

Participant: 计红媛
Supervisor: 马林兰

6. Viewing angle

Participant: 计红媛
Supervisor: 马林兰

4. Portrait of loved ones

Participant: 刘昊禹
Supervisor: 刘丹丹

Tibetan Mother and Daughter

Participant: 叶卫林
Supervisor: 石洋

6. Scenery in front of the village

Participant: 叶卫林
Supervisor: 石洋

7. The attic of my hometown

Participant: 叶卫林
Supervisor: 石洋

8. The alley of my hometown

Participant: 叶卫林
Supervisor: 石洋

9. The Old House

Participant: 王艳红
Supervisor: 贾武明

10. Taihang impression

Participant: 罗珩瑞
Supervisor: 李坤鹏

1. Deadwood

Participant: 郝幸鸽
Supervisor: 李坤鹏

2. Sublimation

Participant: 应佳
Supervisor: 李坤鹏

3. Home