Общая информация

Participant: Gaer Yana
Supervisor: Grigoruk V.N.

109. The First snow

Participant: Vazhenina Ksenya
Supervisor: Kovalenko A.I.

110. «Lykomorie», patchwork

Participant: Neufeld Veronika
Supervisor: Savinov A.M.

111. Heat-bird

Participant: Bryanskaya
Supervisor: Bryanskaya

112. Decorative set «Khohloma»

Participant: Goruha Julia
Supervisor: Sinitsyna L.A.

53. Inspired

Participant: Taranina Vera
Supervisor: Demchenko V.I

54. The shaman of sorts Jaxor. From the series people of the North.

Participant: Taranina Vera
Supervisor: Demchenko V.I.

55. The shaman of sorts Onine. From the series people of the North

Participant: Subbotinа Anastasia
Supervisor: Slesareva G.V.

56. Architectural Krasnodar. Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation

Participant: Savateeva Daria
Supervisor: Sholokhova S.A.

57. Night Vladivostok

Participant: Moyseeva Kristina
Supervisor: Plemenuk M.G.

58. Still life "Irons"

Participant: Melnik Oleg
Supervisor: Pihtovnikova M.R.

Self-Portrait «Raven»

Participant: Ilya Matvienko
Supervisor: Grigoruk V.N.

59. The view from my room

Participant: Kuklina Maria
Supervisor: Savinov A.M.

60. Homecoming

Participant: Kupov Viktor
Supervisor: Plemenuk M.G.

76. Decorative still life

Participant: Kochetkov Aleksei
Supervisor: Grigoruk V.N.

61. The town of future