

On June 18, the next meeting of the participants of the Nanai language club took place in an offsite format. It was possible to communicate in their native language within the framework of the Fifth regional family festival "wormwood soup - Soakta Choloni" in the village of Belgo, Komsomolsky municipal district. The festival was traditionally held by the leaders of the family ensemble "Mengun muene" A.I. Beldy and E.V. Beldy (village of Naihin, Nanai municipal district). There were many activities for the participants. Such as excursions around the ethno-village "House of the Nani" and the rural settlement, the ritual of feeding spirits, the construction of a khomaran (temporary dwelling of the Nanais), traditional sports games and master classes in arts and crafts. Our center organized a round table "Opportunities to support the Nanai language" (moderators: I.K. Badikova, M.N. Zavalishina). Its purpose was to summarize the available resources and capabilities. Outstanding personalities took part in the discussion: M.N. Zavalishina, one of the authors of the electronic manual on the Nanai language “Nānai heseni”, and illustrator E.A. Kile from Khabarovsk, storyteller R.A. Beldy (village Naikhin), teachers of the native language: V.L. Donkan (village Sikachi-Alyan, Khabarovsk Municipal District), I.V. Gaer and A.F. Bloshenko (v. Dzhuen, Amur municipal district), A.K. Digor (v. Belgo); language activist and ethnotourist A.I. Beldy, craftswoman E.A. Samar, head of the ensemble T.P. Kile and participants of language courses V.A. Passar, S.K. Kiele, N.V. Shipulina from Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In communication, the participants noted that language cognition cannot go in isolation from immersion in the cultural environment, the peculiarities of the life and life of the people, telling legends and fairy tales, suggestions were made about the need to support language projects and came to the unanimous opinion that only the combination of successful experience in transmitting the language and the resources available to the lone enthusiast will keep the traditional mindset alive. The importance of joint projects and the need to strengthen the role of the native language in traditional events and the creation of new ones, for example, holding a language camp, will help to actualize the use of the Nanai language as a means of communication. The Immersion in ethnic flavour creates a favorable environment for the transfer of cultural values, traditions and requires new interactive technologies for teaching the Nanai language. The round table was held with the support of the administration of the Komsomolsk municipal district as part of the All-Russian project for the preservation of the languages of the peoples of Russia "Every language that exists in it", implemented by the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia in partnership with the Higher School of Economics and the Resource Center in the field of national relations with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund.V.S. Kharitonov - the leader of the Nanai language club is the representative of this project. The festival ended with bright performances by creative teams and a tasting of national dishes, including the unique recipe for Wormwood Soup. We express our gratitude for the warm welcome to the residents of the village and the administration of the Komsomolsk municipal district.
On June 25, a master class on making Nanai jewelry was held. These are earrings made of carp scales. The event is organized by Department of Theory and Methods of Technological Education E.S. Aslanova as part of the work of the center for the development of the Nanai language and culture of ASUHP. The master Yuliya S. Beldy, a graduate of the “Pedagogical Education” field of study, profile “Technology”, organized an exhibition of arts and crafts products and shared the secrets of making jewelry from fish scales with students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, who were having educational creative practice. The participants of the master class created original jewelry from specially processed fish scales, beads, sequins, earrings and decorative elements and learned more about the peoples of the Far East.
Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy has started the work of a student asset on the implementation of the Skills Up Center for Educational Volunteering project, which was supported by a grant from Rosmolodezh in 2022. In the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, there is a problem of teachers mastering such competencies as media literacy, the use of communication in social networks, the creation of pages and blogs, video galleries, and self-presentations. This problem will be solved by the creation by students of two universities of the city of the Center for educational volunteering "Skills Up". From September to November 2022, student volunteers will hold a series of events to improve the competence of primary school teachers in working with media and digital resources, Internet technologies. The main results of the Center's work are the formation of a community of teachers who own the technologies for organizing interaction with schoolchildren in "their language". As well as overcoming teachers' prejudice against the educational potential of gadgets, development of the institution of mentoring in the field of education. The project is being implemented with grant support from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh).
On June 29, a solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates of the directions and profiles of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took place in the assembly hall of the university. In 2022, 45 young professionals in the areas of bachelor's and master's degrees completed their education: - "Psychological and pedagogical education" profile "Pedagogy and psychology", - "Special defectological education" profile "Special psychology" - "Special defectological education" profile "Speech therapy", - "Pedagogical education (with two profiles)" profiles "Primary education" and "Foreign language", - "Pedagogical education" program of master's training "Management in the field of education". 13 graduates of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology received a high assessment of educational work - a diploma with honors. The diplomas were presented to the graduates by the director of the institute Shubina T.V., the heads of graduating departments: Shmakova V.A., Lipunova O.V., Kositsyna I.B., Ankudinova E.V. The graduates received heartfelt congratulations and parting words.
On June 28, 2022, 16 students graduated from the Faculty of History and Law and received their diplomas. Exciting and carefree, cheerful and sometimes sad five years are over. Wish all the guys good luck, professional success, realization of their plans and endless happiness!
The 2nd regional stage of the All-Russian competition "Master of the Year-2022" was held in Khabarovsk from May 16 to May 20. It was attended by masters of Professional Studies from technical schools and colleges of the region. Ankudinova E.V., the head of the department of pedagogy of vocational education, took part in the competition as the chairman of the regional commission. The participants passed two competitive tests. The first competitive test "I am a master" was held in the format of a public monologue, in which the participants presented their personal experience in the preparation of students. At the second competitive task "Master class" (a training session with a group of students), the participants demonstrated methodological and practical training. In addition, a popular vote was held on the VK social network from May 12 to 18. It was allowed to only vote for 1 participant out of 10. In total, 8538 people participated in the voting. Tatyana A. Semenets received a Prize-certificate from the Minister. Elena G. Dumanskaya became the winner according to the results of the people's vote "People's Master". Alexey A. Shkurikhin became the prize-winner who took the 3rd place according to the results of competitive tests of the 2nd Regional stage of the All-Russian competition "Master of the Year". Sergey V. Baranov became the winner, who took 2nd place according to the results of competitive tests. Lyudmila V. Ivashchenko became the winner, who took the 1st place in the competitive tests of the 2nd Regional stage of the All-Russian competition "Master of the Year". She received a pass to the 3rd stage of the All-Russian competition, which will be held in September this year in Yekaterinburg. Wish everybody all great professional success and talented students!
On the "Day of Memory and Sorrow", students, teachers and staff of Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy, with the participation of Bishop Nikolai of Amur and Chegdomynsk and clergy of the diocese, held a commemorative event as part of the annual All-Russian campaigns "Candle of Memory" and "Minute of Silence". During the event, Viktor S. Bavykin, the rector of ASUHP was a speaker who remembered the terrible days of the beginning of the war, the teachers and graduates of school No. 1 (on the basis of which our university was founded) who went to the war. His Eminence Bishop Nikolai of Amur and Chegdomynsk performed a memorial service for all those who died during the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the participants of those tragic years was honored with a minute of silence, and at the end of the event commemorative candles were lit near the memorial stone of ASUHP.
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June 25, at 15:00 in the library named after Ostrovsky, Ekaterina Safonova Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of ASUHP will give a lecture on mushrooms. The event was organized by the educational project "Likey". Free entrance.
On June 20, 2022, a group of ten people completed their studies at the institute of distant education and additional training under the retraining program "Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language". The program was developed by the teachers of The department of Russian literature and language as foreign language of the ASUHP. During online training, students learned about the levels of Russian language proficiency, considered typical situations and the most popular topics of communication in a foreign audience. Also, the requirements for the speech skills of students were analyzed, the technological maps of Russian language lessons and modern approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language were studied. In addition, the students underwent an introductory practice and independently conducted classes via Skype in a group of foreign students of the direction of study 45.03.02 "Linguistics" profile "Translation and Translation Studies". Hopefully, graduates will be able to find employment in Russia and abroad in Russian language training centers for foreign citizens in the future. The Department of Literature and Russian as a Foreign Language invites everyone to study in the 2022-2023 academic year at the institute of distant education and additional training under the retraining program "Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language".
During the 2021-2022 academic year, due to the coronavirus, foreign bachelors of the 4th course of the 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education" profile "Russian language" studied in a distance form. The teachers of the Department of Literature and Russian as a Foreign Language (Zharikova E.E., Gorbatskaya O.Yu., Yakimova A.V.) created lectures, video lectures, electronic learning tasks, tests for them. The winter and summer exam sessions were also held remotely. During the entire academic year, the teachers of the Department of Russian literature and language as foreign language supervised the final qualifying works of the 4th year students via Skype. All final qualifying works have been prepared remotely. This is the fifth case in the practice of ASUHP. As a result of close-knit work, on June 17, 2022, the Faculty of Philology and Intercultural Communication successfully presented the graduation theses of foreign bachelors of the 4th year in the direction 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education" profile "Russian language". Of the seven graduates, five people received the mark "excellent", to people - "good". The teachers of the Department of Literature and Russian as a Foreign Language, employees of the International Department congratulate their graduates and wish them health and well-being in life!
On June 10, a master class was held on the use of gaming techniques in teaching the Nanai language, organized by the Scientific and Educational Center for the Development of the Nanai Language and Culture (headed by I.K. Badikova). The event was attended by 2nd year students of ASUHP and the members of the language club in the Nanai language V.A. Passar and S.K. Kiel. During the master class, everyone was able to take a fresh look at the map of the Khabarovsk Territory, since many toponyms are of Nanai origin. There was an opportunity to learn about the peculiarities of pronunciation in this language and create their own "Nanai Dictionary". Moreover, there was an opportunity to get acquainted with the products at the exhibition of arts and crafts and learn more about the traditions of Nanai people. Andrey A. Bazilevsky, the senator of the Federation Council also attended this meeting during his visit to the Technopark of Pedagogical Competences of ASUHP.
On June 9, in the auditorium of the created technopark on the basis of ASUHP, a master class on making a thaumotrope was held, organized by the Scientific and Educational Center for the Development of the Nanai Language and Culture (headed by I.K. Badikova). Thaumotrope is one of the first optical toys, standing at the origins of cinema and animation. The word consists of two Greek roots. They are “miracle” and “rotation”. With a quick rotation of a circle with two drawings applied from different sides, they are perceived as one. The students of the direction of preparation "Design" profile "Graphic Design" of the first (Malysheva A., Rogacheva A.) and second courses (Trukhanovich T., Shtal A., Kopylova V.) under the guidance of E.S. Aslanova, the head of the department of Theory and methodology of physical education and sport and L.G. Pletneva, an associate professor not only learned about the history and principle of operation of this toy, but also that traditional Nanai rattles made of fish skin which were also used in the same way. Traditional fish skin, or even modern materials: artificial leather, cardboard, colored paper and textiles can be used in the manufacture of the toys. For the Nanais, one of the most significant symbols is the fish, just like in ancient China. The image of a fish symbolized wealth and abundance. In Chinese, the words "fish" and "abundance" sound the same. The fish is also a symbol of marital happiness and rebirth. An image consisting of two fish means harmony in family life. The students created two versions of a spinner toy with a skewer and ropes and could see their mini-cartoons where the symbol of abundance is in its element. Such classes broaden the horizons, change an image of the traditional Nanai culture, develop fine motor skills, massage the palm, and develop logic. Handmade toys are a real miracle.
Maria Timofeeva, Anna Kuznetsova and Kristina Gerasimova, the students of ASUHP, took part in the All-Russian action "Windows of Russia", dedicated to the Day of Russia, thereby showing civic stance and patriotism.
On June 8, 2022, the students of the Faculty of Philology and Cross-cultural communication met with the writer, poet, local historian Alexander Smirnov, who composed about three hundred songs about Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The author told about the sights of the Far Eastern nature, the organization of hiking trips and rafting on the Amur, his work, books and electronic publications, presented songs dedicated to Komsomolsk-on-Amur to students, which caused a lively response and a lot of questions. The meeting was organized by the Department of the Russian Language of ASUHP.
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