

Currently, the topic of mentoring in education is one of the central ones in the national project "Education" (including the federal projects "Modern School," "The Success of Every Child," "Teacher of the Future," "Social Elevators for Everyone," "Young Professionals"). That is why on November 11, 2020, the "Pedagogical Workshop" for philological students was devoted to this issue. The event was organized by the Department of Literature and Russian as a foreign language. E.A. Rozhkova, a young teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Moscow State University "Engineering School of Komsomolsk-on-Amur," shared her experience with students. Elizaveta Andreevna in the recent past is a graduate of the Faculty of Philology. Rozhkova E.A. told the students about the system of school mentoring, about organizing the professional adaptation of a young teacher to the educational environment. Rozhkova's mentor E.A. is an experienced teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Starovoit Engineering School Tatyana Sergeevna. She systematically provides pedagogical support to a young specialist, creates the conditions for the beginner teacher to be ready to independently resolve one or another type of social, educational or professional problems. Under the leadership of her mentor, E.A. Rozhkova has already taken part in the Regional Competition "Pedagogical Surfing-2019," and also developed a network project "Fairy Tale Written by the 6Г Class Team" on the digital educational platform "Дневник.ру." Such interaction in the framework of project activities, according to Elizabeth Andreevna, allowed all students to manifest themselves creatively and reveal their potential. During the master class, philologists asked many questions to the novice teacher. The Department of Literature and Russian as a foreign language thanks Starovoit T.S. and Rozhkova E.A. and hopes for further cooperation.
30.10.2020 during educational technological practice, students of the group PROTTm-26 (training area 44.03.04 Professional training, training profile “Engineering Technology” of the Faculty of Technologies, Economy and Design visited the scientific and educational center “Industrial robotics and advanced industrial technologies” of “Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University”. The head of the center, Ph.D., Associate Professor Sergei Sukhorukov familiarized students with the organizational structure of the center, the main goals and tasks that the center solves in the field of educational activities in industrial automation and robotics and conducted a tour of the main structural divisions of the center. Students visited the laboratory of industrial automation, where S. Sukhorukov demonstrated laboratory-industrial stands and spoke about the physical modeling of various technological processes, the sequence of production operations, as well as the development and debugging of control algorithms and operating modes during the development of control systems for technological facilities. In the laboratory of industrial robotics, students were acquainted with universal robotic training cells, robotic machining cells and a universal robotic welding and assembly cell.
Do you want to test your knowledge in the field of child psychology, pedagogy, present your methodological developments to leading experts in the field of education? Then we invite you to the fourth season of the All-Russian Student Olympiad "I am a Professional" in the direction "Pedagogical Education (Preschool)." Students of various specialties of undergraduate, specialty and master's degree are invited to participate. In case of successful participation in the Olympiad: • prize-winners, winners and medalists will receive benefits upon admission to master's degree or graduate school of leading Russian universities; • Diplomas will be trained in a large specialized company; • Olympiad medalists are waiting for cash prizes. Show yourself! Check in now! https://mininuniver.ru/profi We wish you good luck and wait as participants!
During the autumn holidays from October 21 to November 3, 2020, the Vacation School "Education Through Life" was organized in ASUHP, which was visited by students of 8-11 classes of educational institutions in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. For the first time, the event was held in a new format using remote technologies (online), for the convenience of schoolchildren, many Internet resources and platforms were used, such as: Links to Channel YouTube, Cloud Mail.ru, Classroom.google.com, VK, ASUHP Website, E-mail, WhatsApp Groups, Instagram. Each student could choose several courses in the framework of a vacation school at different faculties (institute) or attend all courses at the same faculty (institute). Dear students, teachers and parents! We invite you to take part in spring vacation schools of faculties (institutes). Once the Vacation School tab opens on the home page of ASUHP site we ask you to carefully familiarize yourself and register in advance by filling out the form. You can get detailed information about schools at the faculties (institute), having first familiarized yourself with their programs of the Vacation School. Telephone for communication: 8 (4217) 244-441 additional 5
On October 30, the lesson “Work with clarity in preparation for the exam in history (X-XIX centuries)” was held. Students from grades 10-11 took part in it. During the class, students were acquainted with the main stages of cultural development, saw cultural tasks that are found during the state exam. Examples of USE tasks were demonstrated and methods of their execution were indicated. The lesson was conducted by T.A. Kolpakova, senior lecturer at the Department of History, Philosophy and Law. On October 31, a debate was held between teachers of the Department of History, Philosophy and Law of Livshits R.L., Ph.D., professor, and Biryukov A.A., Ph.D., senior lecturer. Participants chose the problem of the origins of capitalism as the topic of debate. High school students in the city took part in the event as spectators, having the opportunity to ask the debate participants their questions. R.L. Livschitz presented the view of Marxists on the problem of the transition to the capitalist mode of production, reflected in the main work of Karl Marx - "Capital," and A.A. Biryukov described the position of Max Weber, outlined in his work "Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism." After their reports, the debate participants alternately exchanged three questions for each other, after which they turned to answers to questions from the audience. High school students showed a high interest in the discussion, showing good preparation and a high level of knowledge on the topic of the discussion. Students received certificates from participants in the events, and some of them were awarded a diploma for the best question from the participants in the debate.
On November 5, 2020, the results of the annual traditional competition in the field of artistic creativity for children "Beauty of God's World" were summed up in the Amur Diocese. To participate in the competition of children's creativity in strict accordance with the requirements, 32 works of children in two age categories were allowed - 9-12 years old and 13-17 years old. This year, the competition was less large-scale than in previous years in connection with early long holidays of schoolchildren due to coronavirus. Therefore, not all permanent participants were able to take part in the competition, but at the same time new participants appeared who had never previously taken part in the review of talents of young artists. These are schoolchildren from the village of Soloni, Verkhnebureinsky district. All members of the jury unanimously noted that, despite the difficult epidemiological situation, the world perception of children remains optimistic, reflected in bright colors.
Senior students of ASUHP responded to the appeal of the Ministry of Education of the Khabarovsk Territory, expressing their readiness to replace teachers who cannot fulfill their duties in connection with the spread of covid-19. These include professionals over the age of 65, as well as other categories of citizens subject to restrictions in order to combat a new coronavirus infection. In 6.11.2020, a meeting was held on the formation of linear student pedagogical detachments of the Youth All-Russian Student Organization "Russian Student Detachments." According to the results of the meeting, 6 detachments were formed with a total number of over 70 people. We urge pedagogical universities of Russia to support the initiative of ASUHP’ students.
Students of ASUHP took an active part in the International competition of research projects of teachers and teachers of educational organizations, which was held on October 25, 2020 on the initiative of the Interclover.ru project, Nizhny Novgorod. First-degree diploma: Monakhova Diana Vitalievna, 5th year student of The institute of pedagogy and psychology Head: Kositsina Irina Borisovna, Cand. philol. Sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages, ASUHP. Project title: Description as a way to create a fabulous atmosphere (on the materials of the story "Ehe little white horze") Nomination "German Languages" First-degree diploma: Tkachenko Margarita Alexandrovna, 5th year student of The institute of pedagogy and psychology Head: Kositsina Irina Borisovna, Cand. philol. Sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages, ASUHP. Project title: A system of fabulous creatures in the work of R.R. Tolkien "The hobbit, or there and back again" Nomination "German Languages" Second-degree diploma: Monakhova Diana Vitalievna, 5th year student of The institute of pedagogy and psychology Head: Kositsina Irina Borisovna, Cand. philol. Sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages, ASUHP. Project title: Description as a way to create a fabulous atmosphere (on the materials of the story "Ehe little white horze") Nomination "German Languages" Third-degree diploma: Chernyshova Victoria Sergeevna, 5th year student of The institute of pedagogy and psychology Head: Dudchenko Olga Vasilievna, Cand. philol. Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, ASUHP. Project title: Signs of a parallel plot in Jo Jo Moyes' novel "The girl you left behind" Nomination "German Languages" Third-degree diploma: Oreshko Anna Vladimirovna, 5th year student of The institute of pedagogy and psychology Head: Kositsina Irina Borisovna, Cand. philol. Sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages, ASUHP. Project title: Graphic expressive means in Michael Bond's work "A bear called Paddington" Nomination "Literature of the peoples of foreign countries" Third-degree diploma: Melnikova Anastasia Andreevna, 5th year student of The institute of pedagogy and psychology Head: Dudchenko Olga Vasilievna, Cand. philol. Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, ASUHP. Project title: Features of translation of sound-reflecting lexical units Nomination "German Languages" Third-degree diploma: Bondareva Victoria Andreevna, 5th year student of The institute of pedagogy and psychology Head: Dudchenko Olga Vasilievna, Cand. philol. Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, ASUHP. Project title: Elements of a magic fairy tale in L.F. Baum's work "The wizard of oz" We congratulate the students and their leaders and wish them further success in scientific activity!
The Faculty of Philology and Cross-cultural Communication during the vacation session-2020 "Education through life" an event was held for students of grades 10-11 "Antique gods in the modern world" On November 2, 2020, at The Faculty of Philology and Cross-cultural Communication, an event “Antique Gods in the Modern World” was held for students of grades 10-11. During the vacation session-2020 “Education Through Life”, when schoolchildren were able to make an exciting journey through the epochs of world literature, children learned how the characters of classical literature relate to the modern situation in the world, and how the World Wide Web, Instagram and other social networks help authors and literary heroes, and why literature will never pass away from our lives. During the philological challenge, students had the opportunity: to try their hand at creating modern poems in the style of Emoji Poetry, to combine heroes in love lost in time, to solve the eternal problem of "fathers and children," and also to present famous heroines from classical works in the form of visual code.
Dear students and teachers! We inform you about the III All-Russian network competition of student projects "Professional Tomorrow" with the participation of students with disabilities. The competition is held from October 20 to December 17, 2020 in "State University of Management" in two stages: 1 stage (correspondence) - from 20.10.2020 to 25.11.2020 - acceptance of applications (competitive works). Phase 2 (online) - from 15.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 - project protection. Registration of participants is already open. Detailed information in a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 22.10.2020
Y.V. Ankudinova, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education took part as the chairman of the jury of the competition of the regional competition "Teacher of the VTC - 2020." Khabarovsk hosted the final of the regional competition "Teacher of the VTC - 2020" among teachers of professional educational organizations. The chairman of the jury of the competition was E.V. Ankudinova, head of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education. The competition is held every two years. This year, several tasks were provided for participants: a methodological seminar - self-presentation of the participant, a public lecture, an out-of-hours event on one of the topics ("Event of the Year," "Person of the Year," "Theme of the Year"); prestige meeting - an interview with an expert. Alina Startseva, teacher of the Komsomolsky-on-Amur Construction College, Irina Shulik from the Khabarovsk Pedagogical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union D.L. Kalarash and Elena Smishko, teacher of the Komsomolsky-on-Amur Judicial Mechanical College named after Hero of the Soviet In the nomination "Teacher of general education disciplines" finalists were Inga Prokhorova, teacher of the Khabarovsk Technological College, Irina Sinishina, teacher of the Komsomol Governor's Aircraft Engineering College (Interregional Competence Center) and Tatyana Semenets from the Khabarovsk Pedagogical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union D.L. Kalarash. Three more finalists participated in the nomination "Young Teacher." This is Tatyana Marfina - Governor's Aircraft Engineering College, Ekaterina Andreeva - Komsomolsky-on-Amur Shipmechanical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.V. Orekhova and Irina Averkieva - Amur Polytechnic College. It should be noted that among the participants, five are graduates of the Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University: Tatyana Marfina (2012 graduation); Ekaterina Andreeva (2014 edition), Irina Averkieva (2005 edition), Irina Sinishina (1993 edition), Alina Startseva (2014 edition).
From November 3 to 8, students of the Faculty of History and Jurisprudence write the V "Big Ethnographic Dictation." The international action "Great Ethnographic Dictation" - an educational project that introduces the culture of peoples living in our country - in 2020 is timed to coincide with the celebration of National Unity Day.
Y.V. Ankudinova, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education of ASUHP took part in the business program of the Pedagogical Educational Forum-2020 "Pedagogical Education in the Conditions of Systemic Transformation of Modern Society. Young teacher-teacher of the future "with a report on the topic" Pedagogical class as a platform for effective network mentoring. " Participation in the Forum was useful and valuable, helped to get acquainted with new developments and projects, to present your point of view. The Moscow State Pedagogical University expressed gratitude for the active participation of Elena Vladimirovna in the forum, highly appreciated the personal contribution to the event and professional competence in the issues submitted for discussion within the framework of the Forum's business program, the importance of which was noted by experts and participants in the event. In addition, Y.V. Ankudinova, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education of FSBOU VO "AmGPSU" took part in the work of the IV International Educational Forum "ALTAI-ASIA 2020: EURASIAN EDUCATIONAL SPACE - NEW CHALLENGES AND BEST PRACTICES."
Dear colleagues, students, friends! On behalf of Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy and on my own behalf I congratulate you on the National Unity Day! It is important for everyone to know and remember the history of their people. After all, it was the path taken by our ancestors that made us what we are today. More than four centuries ago, our predecessors united in the call of the heart to decide together the fate of their homeland. On November 4, residents of Russia celebrate the holiday, which means that each of us. Teachers and students, university employees and all those related to pedagogical education make a worthy contribution to the strengthening of traditions and the development of the country, the upbringing and training of its worthy citizens. On this day, I wish you stability and confidence, fortitude, freedom and independence, and most importantly - a peaceful sky above your head!
On November 2, 2020, a literary evening for philological students was held at the Faculty of Philology and Cross-cultural Communication, dedicated to the famous Russian poet of the 19th century Afanasiy Afanasevich Fet. In 2020, the 200th anniversary of the author's birth is celebrated. The event was organized by the Department of Literature and Russian as a foreign language together with V.K. Kushnareva, actress of the Drama Theater of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Valentina Kirillovna Kushnareva spoke about interesting moments related to the life of the poet, read his poems about love and nature. After all, as you know, A.A. Fet presented the world with many wonderful lyrical works. Love and beauty have always been a symbol of the existence of people on earth, so the words became the leitmotif of the literary evening: "Love is the beginning that unites people." The event featured musical fragments from the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky, L. Beethoven, F. Liszt, S. Rachmaninov. The literary composition aroused a lively response from students and a desire to learn even more about the influence of the work of Athanasius Afanasevich Fet on the formation of Russian poetry. The Department of Literature and Russian as a foreign language thanks actress of the Drama Theater of Komsomolsk-on-Amur V.K. Kushnareva and hopes for further cooperation.

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