

Students of The Faculty of Technologies, Economy and Design took part in the second qualifying round at the XII International Scientific Student Forum 2020 of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Chairman of the section "Technique and Methodology for the Application of Modern Technologies" RAE - Ogloblin Gariy Vasilievich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. By decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, FTED students were awarded "For the best student scientific work. Winner of the second degree": Visitors Maxim Yuryevich, Poluyanov Matvey Alekseevich, Tsygankova Tatyana Andreevna. Congratulations to the winners!
From October 5 to October 16, 2020, teachers of the Department of Romano-Germanic and Oriental Languages participated in advanced training courses at ASUHP for teachers of foreign languages. The program of courses includes the topic "Designing educational activities of a foreign language teacher in accordance with the requirements of the GEF basic school", which was attended by 24 students. They mastered remote technologies in the work of a foreign language teacher under the guidance of associate professor of the department N.V. Savartseva, studied critical thinking technology with the help of the head of the department of Romano-Germanic and Oriental languages Yu.V. Krasnoperova, analyzed the difficulties of auditing and reading, taking into account the requirements for the OGE and the exam in a foreign language (responsible: The FPCC Dean K.V. Borovikova, Associate Professor of the Department M.F. Tretyakova), considered intercultural aspects in teaching a foreign language together with Associate Professor V.V. Tarasenko.
On October 9, 2020, the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical Problems of Teaching Technology, Economics, Design and Life Safety in the Conditions of Digitalization of Education” was held online via “Zoom” platform. The conference program included a plenary session, round tables and master classes. The conference was attended by: Shumeyko A.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education, Aslanova E.S., Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Technological Education. Following the conference, a resolution was adopted, certificates were received and reports were published in the electronic collection of articles.
On October 15, 2020, teachers of the Department of TMTE took part in the All-Russian Congress of Teachers of the Subject Area “Art”. The All-Russian Congress was organized by the Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Education, and the Interregional Association of Teachers of the Subject Area “Art.” The main goal of the Congress: the association of teachers of the subject area "Art" for professional communication and exchange of experience. During the congress, the following issues were discussed: - intermediate results of the concept of teaching the subject area “Art”; - assessment of the quality of training in the educational subjects “Music”, “Fine Arts”, “World Art Culture”; - Draft Strategy for the Development of Artistic Education and Aesthetic Education in the Russian Federation up to 2030.
On September 24-26, 2020, teachers of the Department of Romano-Germanic and Oriental Languages took part in the work of the IV International Educational Forum “Altai-Asia 2020: Eurasian Educational Space - New Challenges and Best Practices” (Altai State University, Barnaul city). The forum was held with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the National Training Fund, the Association of Asian Universities, and the Government of the Altai Territory. The forum was attended by 700 representatives of various regions of Russia and 15 countries near and far abroad: among them Russian and foreign scientists and experts, as well as heads of educational organizations and educational authorities of China and Central Asia. During the forum, a constructive dialogue was held between the scientific and educational community, business industries and state authorities, aimed at studying the best practices of university development and jointly finding ways to solve current problems. Teachers of the department K.V. Borovikova, Yu.V. Krasnoperova, N.V. Savartseva, M.F. Tretyakova, V.V. Tarasenko took part in the work of the section “Track 4. Educating future leaders of change: challenges from the university, society, business and government.”
As part of the days of science at the Faculty of Technology, Economics and Design, the results of the competition of student wall newspapers were summed up. The competition has been organized by the Department of Economics for more than 10 years. According to the terms of the event, the participants were supposed to prepare a wall newspaper and reflect in it clearly (in the form of infographics) the problems existing in the economy, management and science, the newspaper must be made in an analog version on paper. Due to self-isolation, students took part in the competition remotely. 10 wall newspapers were presented to the competition jury in an online format. The jury, represented by teachers of the Department of Economics, approached the expert assessment strictly, evaluated not only the content of the wall newspaper, but also the design. In the end, there was only one work determined as the winner. The winner was a wall newspaper on the topic "Measures of state support for coronovirus", the authors are students of the MN-33 group Anastasia Artemova and Victoria Zaitseva, their ideological inspiration and scientific consultant was prof. V. N. Simonenko.
On May 22, at the Faculty of History and Law, ASUHP continued the practice of event education and held an online discussion of S. Loznitsa's film "State funeral". A documentary film built around the core idea – the whole country revolves around Stalin. The author reviewed and selected a huge number of frames of the chronicle. This approach, only chronicle and the absence of voice-over commentary, allowed students to express their opinion on the organization of life in the USSR, in particular the cult of personality, everyday life and many others. The students came to the conclusion that this film could be characterized as an epoch-making film, and is of great importance as a historical source. Teachers and students recommend this film.
The broadcast is about educational and extracurricular activities of the teaching staff and students of ASUHP during the measures taken to combat coronavirus infection. New learning technologies, achievements and victories, participation in a variety of different projects, assistance provided by representatives of the university in the framework of volunteer movements both in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and beyond - all this in a conversation with representatives of the University on Radio 2. Guests on the Radio 2: Denis M. Mingalov - the Head of Department on educative and social work with students, Olga Y. Nazimova - the Chief of educational-methodical department.
Congratulations to Olga Litvinova with a prize in the "Distinguished Online Delegate" category at the international conference "Model UN in the far East". Olga shares her impressions of the conference: "Hello everyone! I am Olga Litvinova, 1st year student of the faculty of Philology and Cross-cultural communication. A few days ago, I took part in the international conference "Model UN in the far East". It resembles a game that simulates the work of the UN. All participants represent the interests of selected countries in certain committees. I had Uruguay. I have represented this country in the Economic and Social Councils. During the conference, there were master classes, debates, lectures and meetings with interesting people. We spoke with a representative of WHO Russia. The most interesting thing for me was the joint writing of the Declaration with other delegates! The experience of participating in this conference is something new and, of course, useful. It was a great chance to practice English, learn about the work of the UN and meet people from other continents! Active work, diligence and fearlessness “in sharing my opinion" brought me a well-deserved award: at the end of the conference, I became an outstanding online delegate (Distinguished Online Delegate) and received a lot of pleasant impressions! Use your opportunities, don't be afraid of the unknown, this is what opens new doors!»
According to the plan of student scientific events of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education, a pedagogical Olympiad was held for first-year students of 2019. The pedagogical Olympiad was a competition of students that requires participants to give a high degree of intellectual effort, demonstrate knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity, understand the essence of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a student, as well as a personal attitude to pedagogical problems, the ability to express their point of view, and lead convincing arguments. The pedagogical Olympiad was designed for students who do not have long-term training, so in addition to the direct goals of the Olympiad, it solved the problem of identifying the pedagogical orientation and awareness of the choice of profession of junior students. The Olympiad was attended by first-year students of the trainings " Psychological and pedagogical education (Major: "Pedagogy and psychology")," Special defectological education (Major: “Special psychology"), "Pedagogical education" (Major: "Preschool education", "Primary education" and "Foreign language"). It should be noted that 100% of the work the students demonstrated understanding of the role of teachers, importance of teaching profession, the need for respectful, empathic relationship to student understanding of the complexities of the process of growing up, the need for personal and professional self-development teacher. The results of the Olympiad: 1 place – Yulia D. Valetina, scored 16 out of 20 points and Yevgeniya P. Yatsun, scored 16 out of 20 points 2nd place-Yana A. Danilova, scored 15 out of 20 points 3rd place - Polina V. Nekrasova, scored 14 out of 20 points Congratulations to the winners of the first pedagogical competition!
Zharkova A. S., a 5th-year student of the faculty of technology, Economics, design of the training direction "Pedagogical education" (Major: "Technology and " Fine art") took part in the municipal project "Non-boring lessons" (Amursk city) in the framework of the project of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation "Volunteers of Education".
Russian as a foreign language Department continues to introduce foreign students not only to the Russian language, but also to Russian culture. This time, Chinese students got acquainted with the traditions of Maslenitsa.
My Choice – ASUHP!
On March 13, the Amur State University for Humanities and Pedagogy is planning a career guidance event "My choice-ASUHP" for 9 and 10 year-students of secondary schools in the city and municipal districts.
Annual winter route surveys of mammals were held in the Komsomolsk nature reserve from February 17 to 20. More than 90 kilometers in the taiga during these days were overcome by the reserve staff together with students of the ASUHP from the team of the "Nizhneamursky ecological inspection".
On February 20, the all-Russian historical quest "Battle for Stalingrad" was held in the center of youth projects and programs of the "House of youth". The winner was the team of the faculty of history and law. The task of the quest participants was to try on the role of Russian journalists, collect photos and memories of veterans of the great Patriotic War who participated in the Battle for Stalingrad. To get memories, participants had to complete tasks: determine the type of weapon by sound, build a bridge, and even build a stretcher on their own. "It was a very entertaining event. The quest consisted of 6 stations, and all of them were associated with individuals who distinguished themselves during the Battle for Stalingrad. These stations did not test your knowledge of history, but told you about something new for you. Tasks also tested your intelligence, allowed you to feel in the place of the very individuals whom the story was about. Thank you to the organizers for an informative, fun and energetic event!",- 1st year student Artem Makarevich shares his impressions. At the end of the quest, participants had to fill the issued albums with photos and memories of veterans. Students of ASUHP coped with this "perfectly" and shared the first place with students of the Forestry College. Students of the faculty of history and law also acted as assistants to the organizers. @history_club_kms-join and follow the news of the faculty of history and law on Instagram!

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