

Education Department of the Komsomolsk-na-Amure city administration expresses its gratitude to ASUHP’s management, lecturers and students for their active participation in the city educational project «Our Small Homeland».
In the period from May till June, second-year students from "Physical education" educational program pass sport exam (GTO) in the following drills: long jump, running, pull-up, shooting in a shooting gallery, swimming, throwing a ball, and so on. The instructors are Karas T. and Lapoukhov E.
The Children Resting Camp “Metallurg” informs of possibility to undertake pedagogical internship during the period from 01.06.2018 till 30.08.2018.
Students of the 5th term of the Faculty of Phylology and Intercultural Communication Abashkina Alina and Dyaksul Svetlana took part in the VII Russian national Chinese language competition among the university students “Chinese language as a bridge” held in Nizhny Novgorod from 18.04.2018 till 21.04.2018.
Meeting upon different directions were held during The Science Days (23rd - 28th April, 2018) on the department of foreign languages.
An Hour of Remembrance was held on the square before the University on the Victory Day (May 9th)
Ahead of holding The 2018 FIFA World Cup the Russian national media competition “The country of champions” is carrying out in order to popularize Russian sport and achievements of Russian champions.
Forum Campaign 2018
All-Russian and District Youth Forum campaigns of 2018 are being realized by Federal Agency on Youth Affairs, in accordance with fulfilling the instructions of Russian Federation President No. Pr-735 dated April 20, 2015 and No. Pr-2218 dated August 20, 2012, under assistance of the President and the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation
On May 5, our University hosted 15th Regional Competition in the Chinese language among schoolchildren. Traditionally, the Competition is held every year in order to identify, develop and consolidate interest in studying the Chinese language and country study of China.
Congratulations to the students of Preschool education profile, who have become prize winners in the VIth open Regional competition-exhibition of multimedia teaching aids
On May 4, 2018 at the Amur State University of Humanity and Pedagogy within the framework of the Days of Science at the Department of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology, a section of the scientific student conference "Psychological and pedagogical support of children and adolescents with normal and disrupted development in educational institutions" was organized and conducted.
At the Amur State University of Humanity and Pedagogy, within the framework of the Days of Science at the Department of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology, a meeting of the student scientific section held within the framework of the Days of Science-2018 devoted to the 80th anniversary of the Khabarovsk Territory was organized on May 3, 2018.

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