This year, the ASUHP’s Educational Center "Confucius Institute", which was created together with the Harbin Pedagogical University of the PRC turns 10 years old. In this regard, a number of events dedicated to this anniversary are taking place in our center.
Students, teachers, and course participants attend these anniversary events. Events have cognitive, entertaining, scientific and educational characters.
In this row, competitions occupy a special place, in which schoolchildren participate in the most active way. So, during October-November, students of schools in the city and Komsomolsky district, in which the Chinese language is taught, prepared presentation poetry performances in Chinese, dedicated to the anniversary. And on November 13, the results of the contest of readers of poems in Chinese were summed up. The competition was held online. 32 works from 8 schools of the city and Komsomolskiy district were presented for the competition. The works were presented in the format of a video performance, and in some works the participants not only read poems, but also played mini-performances, sometimes with the involvement of parents and friends.
We thank all the children who took part in the competition, their teacher-mentors for training, as well as parents for their support.