
Information letter

Dear colleagues!

Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy is inviting you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference

«Natural disasters: problems, factors, consequences»

(September 16, 2016)

Work directions of the conference:

  1. The legal, economic and social aspects of protection of the population and the territories from natural disasters.
  2. Natural disasters: problems and prospects of forecasting and warning.
  3. Factors determining the effective overcoming of consequences of natural disasters.
  4. Human psychology in emergency situations.
  5. Researching on different population groups involved in extreme situation.
  6. The pedagogical, psychological and social aspects of support in emergency situations and natural disasters.
  7. The technologies of reducing the risk and mitigating the consequences of natural disasters.

After the conference the participants will receive electronic certificates.

The articles will be published in the electronic collection of materials and posted on the website of Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy http://www.amgpgu.ru/esofnc for the discussion. The electronic collection of materials will be registered in Information registry (InformRegister), placed the Russian Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.ru) and included in Russian Science Citation Index (RISC).

Publications of foreign participants are accepted free of charge.

Final Paper Submission Deadline: August 1, 2016. 

People who would like to participate in the conference should:

- send a participant application via e-mail to the organizing committee conferextreme2016@gmail.com with the subject «Natural disasters» (Annex 1);

- send the article via e-mail (please find the sample of the layout in Annex 2). 

The organizing committee of the conference reserves the right to reject the materials, which are not related to the theme and the directions of the conference.

Please make sure that your e-mail is received! The delivery confirmation will come to the e-mail address, from which the materials were sent. If you do not receive the delivery confirmation from the organizing committee within 3 days, please resend the e-mail and also send the materials to the backup address svj@rambler.ru

The organizing committee:

FGBOU VO "Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy"

Auditorium 309, 17/2 Kirova Str., Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Khabarovsky kray, Russia 681000

If you have questions about the theme, please contact:

Sityaeva, Snezhana M., Associate Professor of Educational Psychology Department 8-909-860-18-87, conferextreme2016@gmail.com

If you have other questions, please contact:

Babkina, Svetlana V., (4217) 59-13-79, 8-909-863-64-33; okmuni@amgpgu.ru

The Head of the Consulting and Marketing Department of UNI

Thank you for the cooperation!

Annex 1


Name of the author


City, country




Position held


Academic degree


Academic interests (for the “Information about the authors” section, up to 200 printed characters)


Contacts ((for the “Information about the authors” section)


E-mail (for the organizing committee)



Annex 2


           Working languages of the conference are Russian and English.

The layout of an article: at the beginning of your article please indicate its name in capital letters, in the following line specify the last name and initials of the author(-s) and his/her/their place of work. Below should be placed a short annotation of the article (not less than 100 words) and keywords (3-5 words or collocations). The article text goes double-spaced below that. The “head” of an article (its name, the name of the author(-s), place of work, an annotation and keywords) should be single-spaced.

 An article should consist of at least 5 pages. It can be typed in any version of Microsoft Word text editor. Times New Roman font, 14 font size and a half spacing are to be used. Alignment should be justified, 1,25cm indent should be applied. Accepted page format is A4 (210x297mm), portrait page orientation should be applied. Please make all of the margins 25mm, do not number the pages. Schemes, tables, pictures can be inserted. All of the illustrated materials in the text should have names, be sequentially numbered; there should be references to this kind of materials in the text. Bibliography shall be arranged in alphabetical order. Links to the sources used are to be given in the text and marked with figures enclosed in square brackets. The sources used should be placed at the end of an article. The text is printed in authors edition, it should be checked by the author(-s). The organizing committee of the conference reserves the right to reject the materials, which are not related to the theme of the conference.


I.I. Ivanov
City, country

          Annotation. Text of the annotation.
          Keywords: keywords.

          Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article. 


1. Allen, Thomas B. Vanishing Wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1974. – P. 23-25.
2. Searles, Baird, and Martin Last. A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1979. –  345 pp.

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